апликации за
ваучер до сега
Аплицирај за ваучер

Академија за

Leadership &
Management & AI

Најдобрата инвестиција е онаа во СЕБЕ!
Со Brainster+ академиите добиваш +20 курсеви +AI!
program for contemporary Leadership & Management + soft skills +
advanced tech skills + AI skills = future-proof career <3 😉
апликации за ваучер до сега
Experience required



8 months


15 hours / week


Autumn 2025

Format Lessons are online, in real time. Activities such as Intro Week will be held on-site, in person.



2580€ 1580€ Цена со ваучер

Next Group

Autumn 2025

Цена со ваучер

1580€ 2580€

#1 Education for Employment

# 1 for student hires

1187+ hired students in the last 2 years

# 1 in fast employment

The average time is 4months 25days

# 1 by number of hiring partners

200+ local and international companies

 Brainster+ VS Standard Academies

Brainster L&M+

Brainster L&M+ Academy

The entire program includes:

  • Project-based learning
  • 3 hands-on projects
  • 1 graduation project
  • Student care and support during learning
  • Access to digital learning platform
  • Program designed in collab with our partner companies
  • Certified by the accredited higher education institution BrainsterNextCollege and MON
  • Preparatory program included
  • Teaching industry experts
  • Double certificate

Aditionally with Brainster+:

Soft Skills

for a faster career track
+ 4 courses

Advanced technical skills

for more career paths
+ 4 courses

AI Skills

for jobs in the era of AI
+ 2 courses

Brainster L&M+ Academy


*Зголемен интерес - аплицирај сега бидејќи ќе чекаш


The entire program includes:

  • Program accredited by MON
  • Team of instructors
  • Certificate



Additional info about Brainster+


Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11

This executive program is certified by the accredited higher education institution - Brainster Next College.

Your Typical Study Week


Online Class

Group 1
18:00 - 20:00

No Classes

Self-paced learning:
re-cap, reading,

Online Class

Group 1
18:00 - 20:00

No Classes

Self-paced learning:
re-cap, reading,

Online Class

Group 1
18:00 - 20:00


Self-care weekend:
workouts, reading,
water your plants.

Само 110 ваучери!

Инвестирај во иднина што ќе ти донесе вработување.

Аплицирај за твојот ваучер 225 апликации за ваучер досега

In 2025, learning relevant skills doesn't have to wait!

What do you get?

  • Educational content
  • Financial benefits
  • Secure your seat

Доделуваме стипендии до 1000€, за зголемување на вработливоста на студентите!

Учи академија додека студираш на факултет!

Аплицирај за стипендија 54 апликации за стипендија досега

Meet your team of instructors

With a learner-centered approach to teaching and learning, the program and in-class atmosphere make for a seamless learning experience. Meet the industry experts and professionals behind this proven methodology.

After the program,
you will be able to

After the program,
you will be able to
Prepare your
organization for
the digital era
Develop a growth
mindset and improve
Prioritize value-adding outcomes over activities
Use data to drive
their organization
Comprehend what
a people-first organization
looks like
and improve through
Align financial with
organizational goals
Measure and better
predict effectiveness
of resource allocation
Measure ROI of
marketing activities
through the right metrics
Identify opportunities
for growth and
result maximization

The aim
of the program

The aim of this curriculum is to qualify and prepare individuals with a high potential to lead and manage in what we like to call „the Brainster way“ – to have them gain the mindset and practices that made our organization a market leader in less than a decade by continuously improving, taking advantage of challenging market conditions and focusing on the bigger long-term picture.

This academy is best suited for

Top and middle managers that constantly face changes that impact the organizations and sectors they’re responsible for and don’t have the time and capacity to find the much needed resources by themselves

Senior-level professionals (future managers) that need to make the first step into the world of management i.e. learn a completely new skillset

Entrepreneurs and startup founders (especially women and youth) that have ideas for potential products, but lack the managerial knowledge to launch and grow their businesses

Added value
to your experience

Enjoy the unique learning benefits during the course of your learning - from tools to help with your study
progress to a highly interactive experience.

Preparatory program

This program will help you get introduced to the basic terminology of the academy better, increasing your chances of better performance throughout the official curriculum.

Online learning platform

All the lectures, learning materials, assignments as well as your learning progress and success metrics in one place. Available at any time with great usability and structure.

Double certification

Upon completion, the academy attendants will receive 2 certificates - one from Brainster with a badge-indicator depicting the level of success, and one from Brainster Next College.

Post-academy program

All academy alumni gain access to custom workshops, meetups, and a book club to enhance skills and foster networking opportunities.

at every step

Together with our friendly, approachable and easy-going Student Experience team, you’ll curate your Brainster learning experience and reach your academy milestones:


Kick-start your further upskilling
and grab your seat today!

Group 1, Fall 2023


October 2023







Group 2, Fall 2024


October 2024


up to 20 instalments


paying up front -5%


2.950€ 2.450€

Find the right
options for you

Finances shouldn’t be a barrier to accessing our academy. Choose a payment term that works best for you.

Calculate your tuition fee

Payment available up to 20 monthly installments max, without additional fees


price for 1 installment
1 5 10 15 20

Seamless application process


Fill out a simple 2-step
digital form

Tell us your contact information and get
a callback in under 24 hours.


Book your info meeting with our representative

Schedule a meeting with our representative whenever works best for you and get all the info you need.



We will assess the compatibility of your goals with the program goals, your motivation and commitment.


Get a head start with our free prep program

With your enrollment, the preparatory program will unlock so you can start preparing before 1st academy class.

Само 110 ваучери!

Инвестирај во иднина што ќе ти донесе вработување.

Аплицирај за твојот ваучер 225 апликации за ваучер досега

Your new career shouldn't wait!

So join the waiting list today and find out FIRST if early bird enrollment opens and an exclusive opportunity for a free Brainster+ 20-skills course pack.

Доделуваме стипендии до 1000€, за зголемување на вработливоста на студентите!

Учи академија додека студираш на факултет!

Аплицирај за стипендија 54 апликации за стипендија досега


In order to support diversity and promote equal opportunities, this academy offers scholarships for women/young people (professionals, entrepreneurs, startup founders). Ask for more information during the admission process. 

Need more details?

Speak with our Student Admission advisor and find out whether this academy is suitable for your educational and/or career goals.

Give us a call

Send us a message


Brainster+ is a new and unique type of Academy that has an ultimate goal – securing a career in the digital world. Through upgrading the basic Brainster programs and adding +10 courses, it offers the opportunity to equip yourself with the skills the industry seeks.

With enrolling on the academy, despite the quality educational program that offers continues student care, lectures from industry experts and opportunities for employment, as a future student you will get:

+4 courses for soft skills for bigger advantage when building a career

+4 courses for advanced technical skills for more employment options

+2 AI skills for landing AI positions

The Executive Academy is online where learning is enabled by communication platforms, digital tools for successful delivery of the program objectives, and instructor-led practical activities via online lectures and workshops.

Learning activities at the Executive Academy come in a variety of formats: case studies, video-lessons, reading materials and presentations, instructions, group projects, peer-to-peer sessions, and such.

Selection is done on an individual level in an online meeting with a Student Admission representative. Main factors that we will discuss on the online meeting are:

Background and current experiences.

We will assess whether you fit the profile for which this academy is suitable. It’s not required that you come exclusively from a digital environment – the executive program has  the same outcomes for candidates that come from a non-digital native environment as well. In terms of current experiences, we will focus more on your personal and/or organizational goals and how they translate to your current professional track.


We have a high standard when it comes to the level of motivation, determination and commitment a candidate demonstrates. Learning at this academy requires investing a certain amount of your time, energy and focus, so that you can achieve your learning goals. Even though we have a team that will support you throughout the academy, success will be a result of how much effort you put in.

English Language Proficiency & Mindset.

The Executive Academy is delivered entirely in English, so one of the requirements is that you possess a proficient level of English (minimum intermediate level). This will be assessed on the interview, which will be held in English. Mindset is as important: as one of the Executive Academy’s outcomes is nurturing a transformative mindset, candidates with a growth mindset who are curious, eager to continuously learn and accept change will gain the full value of the program.

All academies through Brainster are certified by the accredited higher education institution – Brainster Next College. After successful completion, every attendee will get 2 certificates: one from Brainster with a badge-indicator of the level of success, and one from Brainster Next college.

Brainster’s goal is to offer financial flexibility to our attendees:
– Discount for one-off payment;
– Up to 20 monthly installments (with an option to pay off the rest as you go);
– No additional fees or hidden expenses;
– There is a scholarship program available for women and youth applicants. Call +389 70 351 to get more details.
*Follow us on social media to find out about active offers or discounts.

Brainster organizes a minimum of 2 batches a year. If you would like to find out more, feel free to talk to some of our Student Admission representatives.

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